King Cassava

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better in absorbing odor

easier to decomposed

safer for pets and the owner

Most of the litters we find on the market are based on silica, or bentonite,  but this materials can causes of respiratory problem or even serious damage if ingested by mistake. Some of litters made of Clay seems to be a natural choice, but it is a non-biodegradable. In addition, many cat litters often contain synthetic fragrances that can be annoying.

So, let’s consider going green with this 100% plant-based alternative. Start from small thing, because small change can make a big impact, for your pets and environment.


Our Eco Litters is 100% plant based. We use cassava as the main ingredient. This litters is entirely free from toxic dust, so it’s safe for your fur baby. It offers a particularly high absorption capacity and absorbs odor well. Furthermore, this litters guarantees environmentally friendly disposal, so you can simply flush the soiled clumps down the toilet or dispose of in your compost heap. And what’s more? It’s a good choice for those with allergies or sensitivity to synthetic materials. Our eco-cat litter doesn’t contain any chemical. Also, the particle size can be customable based on what you need.

types of litter

Big particle

2 - 3 mm

Small particle

1 - 1,5 mm