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Category Archives: Healthy Lifestyle

SKIN AND HAIR BENEFITS OF CASSAVA – HOW TO HYDRATES YOUR SKIN Who doesn’t want to have clean and glowing skin? With the situation of the world today, the air and the sun damage our skin with pollution, moreover solar radiation. Furthermore, there is not only one skin and hair…

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vegan: definition, benefits, how VEGANS get their protein Before getting to know more about vegans, vegans themselves are one part of vegetarianism, where this type is more strict than usual vegetarians. Vegans do not eat all products related to the use of animals such as meat, milk, eggs, including the…

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Are you on a Paleo diet? Here’s what you can eat! People are looking for ways to lose weight to get a healthy and ideal body. There are many diet plans out there with their advantages and disadvantages, and one of them is the Paleo diet, but, what exactly is…

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Tips to have a better and lower blood sugar It is important for people to control their blood sugar even if they do not have diabetes. To have low blood sugar, many things must be considered and the food consumed. In the long term, having low blood sugar minimizes the…

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The difference between being healthy and skinny: skinny fat? People are wondering what defines a healthy life. It is now easier for us to reach and communicate with other people thanks to the emergence of social media. People compete for the perfect body, and few people shed weight until they…

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Benefits of Cassava : Potential Health Benefits Before finding out more about benefits of cassava, Cassava itself has long been known as the staple food that not only provides great nutrition but it is also the third-largest source of food carbohydrates in the tropics, after rice and maize.    In this…

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How to have the ideal “perfect” body It is no wonder, every woman and man certainly wants to have an ideal and “perfect” body, not only for aesthetics but also for self-confidence. Many people are on an extreme diet, excessive exercise, some even really don’t eat for instant results so…

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HOW TO HAVE A HEALTHY DIET Nowadays, people are competing to know how to have the ideal body. Determining a diet plan to lose weight is certainly not easy considering that everyone has a different body type and metabolism, especially people with special needs such as autism and diabetes.  In…

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